Welcome to the Diocese of Chester Mothers' Union Website
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This site last updated on
25th July | Contacts Page | 22th July | Resources Page - MUM Summer 2023 | |
17th April | Resources Page - MUM Spring 2023 | 22nd October | Stockport Deanery Page |

Norbury had their first outreach event in May since Covid. It was a Coffee Morning for the residents of Edwards Court Retirement Apartments. Events there are always well received by the residents, and they have lovely facilities. It was organised by Brenda and Eileen, our social concern reps. It raised £180 for AFIA and neo-natal projects.

Jubilee Celebrations

York Provincial Service in Liverpool Cathedral
The procession of banners at the start of the service made your skin tingle, it was such a lovely sight. The Right Reverend Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool preached. He is an MU member and wore his MU facemask. His sermon was thoughtful, short and amusing. He talked a lot about the work of the Mothers’ Union and the work we do in this country and abroad. It was a lovely service starting with the rousing hymn “Tell Out My Soul” followed by “Love Divine”, “Be Still for the Presence of the Lord” and ending with “Lord for that Word’’. We had a great day and returned home having experienced a lovely afternoon with MU friends, worship and fellowship.

Annual Gathering 2022
Prison Ministry
This batch includes release bags, foil blankets, waterproof ponchos, birthing bags and associated contents.
Thanks to members across the Diocese who have donated monies to our Prison Ministry to enable the purchase of all these items.

Cheshire Show

Bye Buy Childhood Campaign Guide
For further information about the campaign please go to www.byebuychildhood.org